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Staff Shortages and Burn Out in Cancer Medication Administration in Europe

This report is a timely reminder that the EU is at a crossroad in its goal to enhance
healthcare of its citizens. We are increasingly aware of the benefits due to AI
and this is helping to catalyse an acceleration of digital solutions within the
field of health and healthcare. However, there are fundamentals that our health
institutions still need to address. Ensuring the correct human resource levels are
in place is vital for safe and secure improved health outcomes.

The Urgent Need to Reduce Medication Errors in Hospitals to Prevent Patient and Second Victim Harm
Medication errors are the most common adverse event in hospitals, not only in terms of number, but as well in morbidity and mortality and have significant economic and health consequences. Adverse events related to an erroneous use of medication cause greater mortality than traffic accidents, breast cancer or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In addition, healthcare staff directly or indirectly involved in an adverse event, the ‘second victims’, may also suffer from emotional harm.
On the safe use of medicines in intensive care medicine services

The Self-Assessment Questionnaire on the Safe Use of Medicines in Intensive Care Medicine Services has been developed, based on the Self-Assessment Questionnaire on the Safe Use of Medicines in Hospitals, by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP-Spain), the FarMIC Working Group of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) and the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).

Assessment of the implementation of safe medication practices in Intensive Care Units

To ascertain the degree of implementation of safe medication practices in Intensive Care Units and to identify opportunities for improvement.

Working Against Cancer: Giving Professionals the Right Tools for the Job

This document has been produced by the European Cancer Organisation’s Workforce Network, calling the European Union and its Member States to recognise and address the issue of errors and adverse events in cancer, as well as their consequences for involved professionals.

Severe and fatal medication errors in hospitals: findings from the Norwegian Incident Reporting System

Even with global efforts to prevent medication errors, they still occur and cause patient harm. Little systematic research has been done in Norway to address this issue.

Critical care nurses' physical and mental health, worksite wellness support, and medical errors

Critical care nurses experience higher rates of mental distress and poor health than other nurses, adversely affecting health care quality and safety. It is not known, however, how critical care nurses’ overall health affects the occurrence of medical errors.

The high-value pharmacy enterprise framework
Advancing pharmacy practice in health systems through a consensus-based, strategic approach
2019 Drug administration errors in ICU
Supplements by AboutPharma and Medical Devices
EAHP Position Paper on Patient Safety
Hospital pharmacists – making the difference by improving medication safety
La implementación de la administración de medicamentos con código de barras y las bombas de infusión inteligentes es sólo el comienzo del camino seguro para prevenir los errores de administración
Implementing barcode medication administration and smart infusion pumps is just the beginning of the safety journey to prevent administration errors
Medication Without Harm
WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge
The Falsified Medicines Directive – implementing practical solutions in the hospital arena
A report of the EU Parliament meeting that brought together experts to support knowledge sharing and best practices around processes and authentication
Burden of errors
Chemotherapy prescribing errors: an observational study on the role of information technology and computerized physician order entry systemsRead article
A systematic review of the prevalence and incidence of prescribing errors with high-risk medicines in hospitalsRead article
Prevalence and Nature of Medication Errors and Preventable Adverse Drug Events in Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Settings: A Systematic ReviewRead article
Preventing medication errors in neonatology: Is it a dream?Read article
Pediatric Medication Safety in the Emergency DepartmentRead article
BenzodiazepineUse During Hospitalization: Automated Identification of Potential Medication Errors and Systematic Assessment of Preventable Adverse EventsRead article
Intravenous infusion practices across England and their impact on patient safety: a mixed-methods observational studyRead article
Improvement of Chemotherapy Solutions Production Procedure in a Hospital Central Chemotherapy Preparation Unit: A Systematic Risk Assessment to Prevent Avoidable Harm in Cancer PatientsRead article
Medicine preparation errors in ten Spanish neonatal intensive care unitsRead article
Assessment of the usefulness to use a software supervising continuous infusion rates of drugs administered with pumps in ICU and estimation of the frequency of rate of administration errorsRead article
Interprofessional safety reporting and review of adverse events and medication errors in critical careRead article
How Many Hospital Pharmacy Medication Dispensing Errors Go Undetected?Read article
Medication errors in intravenous drug preparation and administration: a multicentre audit in the UK, Germany and FranceRead article
Medication-related adverse events during hospitalization: a retrospective patient record review study in The NetherlandsRead article
Iatrogenic intravenous medication errors reported to the PIC ErfurtRead article
Prescription errors in chemotherapyRead article
Direct medical costs of adverse events in Dutch hospitalsRead article
Outpatient Prescribing Errors and the Impact of Computerized PrescribingRead article
Measuring the Severity of Prescribing Errors: A Systematic ReviewRead article
Overview of medical errors and adverse eventsRead article
Standardising the Classification of Harm Associated with Medication Errors: The Harm Associated with Medication Error Classification (HAMEC)Read article
Medication errors and drug knowledge gaps among critical-care nurses: a mixed multi-method studyRead article
Incidence, type and causes of dispensing errors: a review of the literatureRead article
What causes medication administration errors in a mental health hospital? A qualitative study with nursing staffRead article
The Risks and Outcomes Resulting From Medication Errors Reported in the Finnish Tertiary Care Units: A Cross-Sectional Retrospective Register StudyRead article
High alert medications administration errors in neonatal intensive care unit: A pediatric tertiary hospital experienceRead article
Drug related problems in the neonatal intensive care unit: incidence, characterization and clinical relevanceRead article
Medication safety incidents in paediatric oncology after electronic medication management system implementationRead article
Errors in the medication process: frequency, type, and potentialRead article
Utilization of neonatal medication error prevention strategies: a clinical practice survey of Australian and New Zealand neonatal unitsRead article
Non-intercepted dose errors in prescribing anti-neoplastic treatment: a prospective, comparative cohort studyRead article
Strategies to minimize medication errors in emergency units: an integrative reviewRead article
The frequency and importance of reported errors related to parenteral nutrition in a regional paediatric centreRead article
Computerized physician order entry of injectable antineoplastic drugs: An epidemiologic study of prescribing medication errorsRead article
Costs of Intravenous Adverse Drug Events in Academic and Nonacademic Intensive Care UnitsRead article
Chemotherapeutic errors in hospitalised cancer patients: attributable damage and extra costsRead article
Predictors of prescription errors involving anticancer chemotherapy agentsRead article
Safety in doses: medication safety incidents in the NH SRead article
Cross-sectional study of prescribing errors in patients admitted to nine hospitals across North West EnglandRead article
Medication errors in prescription and administration in critically ill patientsRead article
Mapping the prevalence and nature ofdrug related problems among hospitalised children in the United Kingdom: a systematic reviewRead article
Prescribing errors in hospital practiceRead article
Medication errors in emergency departments: is electronic medical record an effective barrier?Read article
Errors in administration of parenteral drugs in intensive care units: multinational prospective studyRead article
Medication Errors and Safety Culture in a Norwegian HospitalRead article
Economic impact of medication error: a systematic reviewRead article
Economic impact of medication error: a systematic reviewRead article
An observational study of intravenous medication errors in the United Kingdom and GermanyRead article